Here is more path taking shape. I think it's appropriate that I began with a horseshoe shape even though my boys aren't shod.
My new echinacea! I saw some red echinacea on Pinterest and wondered if I would be able to find some. Lo and behold!
I picked up these dwarf canna lilies because they were irresistible and the chartreuse sedum is something I hope will thrive in my garden. I only bought one to try but I hope to use it copiously around most of the roots. In the very upper left corner, you see leaves of a lupine. I love this plant. It was here when I bought the place in 2005. Every time I transplant it, it dies a horrible crispy black death. Knowing what to expect, I transplanted it one [hopefully] last time. And then it turned black. I chopped it down, put a big rock next to the three little stem stumps remaining, and settled in to wait. Oh how I hope it comes back this time!
Last but not least, my two new portulaca. I adore these plants and they have always done well for me. Their color is magnificent, no? I had to wait to take a picture of them until I was actually home during their blooming hours! I wish the flowers stayed open all day long. They look gorgeous spilling over that root. Oops, I almost forgot about that darling echeveria there in the top right! Seems like I found more plants at the store than I thought. Doesn't that always happen?
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