In the meantime, Logan began his carport leveling project on the opposite corner of our little patch of earth. This project was to be the source of my dirt for my raised beds. And is still to be. I just need more. He is in the midst of, oh, I don't know, three or four rather large and time-consuming projects at the moment-- and only one of which involves him giving me my dirt! Anyway, I have a large pile placed exactly where I want it in the shape I requested, and it's great. It just needs to be three times its current size.
Logan took a day off work to finish up the area he started over the weekend. When I arrived home from the library late that afternoon, I saw 8 glorious new piles of dirt! In the wrong spot! In fact, he dumped the dirt ON MY PATHS! Being the goodly and kindly wife that I am, I let no anger flush my cheeks. I allowed no poisonous thoughts to enter my mind. I simply went inside the house with the mail, asked how the day went, fed the dogs, and soon enough my curiosity was satisfied. He offered, "I think I put the dirt in the wrong place. I only realized it when I dumped the last load."
"Why, you are correct. You dumped the dirt on my walking paths."
"Yeah, I don't know why I did that."
Hey, at least I got more dirt out there, right?
One day as I worked in "my area" (as I now refer to my garden: "I'll be in my area if you need me!" is what Logan hears often.) my neighbor across the street called out a greeting. We don't know each other very well because she and her big family moved in only recently. No, they moved in last year! I am a terrible neighbor! My, but how time passes. I remember last winter when she got a load of free mulch from the city. They dumped it right in the middle of their yard. She didn't do anything with it. It just sat and sat. Until this glorious day when she came over and offered to give it to me! She said her son would wheel barrow it over, if I would show her where I would like it. I showed her. I wanted it under the Sweet Gum by the road, close to my precious walking paths. Remember, it is July in Florida. Proximity is crucial here. I needed it close at hand to lessen my chance of heat stroke.
The day came when young Austin started his enormous chore. I showed him where I wanted the mulch, in this large area right here. See? Here's a palm frond marking the spot. (How did I get a nasty palm frond in my yard, anyway? I eradicated the beasts years ago, except for two ancient ones nowhere near the Sweet Gum.) It was a nice, shady, and round area. He had only to go directly across the road to hit his mark. I am SO GRATEFUL to receive this glorious gift of mulch!
Behold in the pictures below how the men in my life choose to undermine my female authority (as my mother put it!).
Notice the mulch piles neatly lined up, one by one, all along the road. It was all supposed to be in the vicinity of the first pile on the left. Yikes.
Logan buried a beautiful root :( My roots are no longer menaces; they are now prominent features of my garden!
I had to get that mulch moved, and fast. And that meant the dirt had to magically find its way to its proper spot, too. I moved two piles over to the started bed, but the rest went to a closer area to make a circular raised bed. Remember, proximity! I wanted a raised bed there, anyway, so it worked out fine. Now I need a LOT more dirt in both areas....
I decided to take a week off work to get that mulch moved, finish my paths, work on some horse goals, and go plant shopping. I think I very well might be crazy because, hello, July in Florida! Yet it had to be done. I laid the newspaper on a 6 foot length of path, sprayed it with the hose to keep it from flying away, then brought over the mulch. Repeat a great many times over the course of the week.
I had to stop because, ahem, there were still dirt piles in the way at this point. Don't worry; once Logan saw how much work I accomplished that day, he moved the dirt for me that evening. He is not one to stand in the way of garden progress!
The week felt both long and short. My days were filled to the brim with gardening, hydrating, standing in front of my beloved fan, showering, making lunch for us every day, and getting my horse time in. I also worked on a few library things that couldn't wait. But by the end of the week, sure enough I felt like I needed more time.
I didn't quite finish but I was supremely happy with my progress. There were still two big piles of mulch left by the end of the second weekend and a load left in my trusty wheel barrow. When I ran out of newspaper, I switched to weed block fabric. I figure it will be a good experiment to compare the sections. Here's a picture showing the S curves of the path and the small raised bed started inside the first bend of the S.
It's totally the Shoop path!
ReplyDeleteYes! It IS!